Therapy for Men

Do You Struggle With Cultural Expectations About What A Man Should Be?

Do You Struggle With Cultural Expectations About What A Man Should Be?

Are you a man who feels burnt out, lost, or stuck in life? Do you get tired of societal masculinity roles, yet you often find yourself falling into them? Does it feel like you have to be responsible for too many things at once as if people expect you to be superman?

Maybe you’re tired of trying to juggle your career, family, friendships, and interests all at the same time. You may feel stretched too thin and unable to maintain a healthy work-life balance. In the meantime, though, you’re still expected to be strong, have it all together, and not show any weakness.

After a while, this pressure can build up and you may become overwhelmed and stressed wondering how you’ll get through it all. As a result, you may feel irritable and impatient and act out aggressively. You may even turn to alcohol, drugs, or other unhealthy and impulsive behaviors that only add to your stressors.

It's Hard To Be Yourself In A World That Wants You To Hide Your Feelings

Being authentically yourself is tough in a society that expects men to suck up their emotions and put on a façade of toughness and strength. Perhaps you’re afraid that you’ll be ostracized by friends, family, and coworkers if you express your true self. And even if you don’t struggle with traditional masculinity roles, it can be hard to figure out what role you do fit into. What does it look like to be you, not who your family, friends, or society may say you should be?

This is a question that I want to help you answer in therapy for men. With my support, you can learn how to manage stressful life transitions, renew your sense of purpose, and feel appreciated and valued for who you are.

Many Men Feel Out Of Place Because They Don’t Fit Traditional Masculinity Roles

Many Men Feel Out Of Place Because They Don’t Fit Traditional Masculinity Roles

Many Men Feel Out Of Place Because They Don’t Fit Traditional Masculinity Roles

Today, society and media messages pressure men to look, think, act, and even love in very limited ways. There are all kinds of entrenched expectations placed on men—we’re supposed to avoid crying, like sports more than art, and be the family breadwinner. We’re also expected to be self-sufficient and not ask for help.

When we’re not all of these things, it’s only natural that we feel different, alone, and misunderstood. Going against the grain as a man today is a challenging path to pursue. It’s full of obstacles, resistance, lack of support and inspiring role models. However, setting out on your own path is an opportunity to learn about yourself and craft an authentic identity.

Men In The LGBTQ+ Community Are Growing Up In A World Without Many Role Models

Even for men who don’t struggle with outdated masculinity roles, such as those who identify with the LGBTQ+ community, life still has its own set of unique challenges. This is especially true of gay, bisexual, and questioning men. A lot of them have grown up in a world where there weren’t many healthy and affirming “role models” to inspire and motivate them to be their best selves. As a result, many men can feel lonely, lost, or misdirected.

This is why counseling can be an invaluable resource. It’s a chance to start afresh and explore what you want in life, your relationships, and yourself. Most importantly, it’s a chance to talk to someone in a safe, supportive, and confidential space where you will be seen and heard for who you are—maybe even for the first time.


Therapy For Men Can Help You Get In Touch With Your Authentic And Amazing Self

Therapy For Men Can Help You Get In Touch With Your Authentic And Amazing Self

As men in today’s world, we are taught to externalize our problems or keep everything hidden inside ourselves. Instead of diving deep into our feelings and taking responsibility for them, we are taught to blame everything outside of us. But even if other people and other things hurt us, we cannot control them. We can only control ourselves and the decisions we make.

Therapy is a chance to focus on what you can control and look inward instead of outward. Along the way, I am here to be your trusted confidant and number-one supporter. I provide a safe, nonjudgmental space to express emotions that are daunting to share in ordinary life. Here, you can say whatever you want without any fear of being judged or seen as “weak” and “unmanly.” It takes courage to be honest about your feelings.

What To Expect In Sessions

Therapy looks different for each client, and one of the first things we do together is get to the core issues that led you to seek support. We will uncover the layers of the onion—where you came from, how you got here, and where you want to go. We will explore the expectations and pressures placed upon you growing up. Did you grow up in a household with rigid or more fluid gender roles? Could you safely express yourself or did you feel like you had to be who others wanted you to be?

Knowing this information will help us understand your past, and it will also help us lay a foundation that challenges preconceived ideas and encourages new thinking. This makes it easier to get in touch with your feelings and identify your core values. You will learn to tap into the resilient and rich inner world that lies within you.

My hope is that men’s counseling can help you work through the issues that prevent you from becoming your most authentic self. You will have the opportunity to find a path to freedom from societal expectations and self-doubt while embracing your innate gifts and talents.

You May Have Some Concerns About Therapy For Men…

  • Let’s face it: sometimes it’s hard to ask for help. But regardless of why you’re seeking counseling, why not take advantage of this unique opportunity to focus on self-care? How often in life have you had a chance to really slow down and take the time to explore what you’re feeling? Counseling for men is a chance to do that without any need to censor yourself or worry about what others may think. What’s more, you don’t need some profound reason to see me. It’s okay if you come to me because your partner said you should. I encourage you to try therapy for a few sessions and see where it goes.

  • The therapeutic relationship is bound by the rules of privacy and confidentiality. No one else has to know you’re here. That said, there is no shame in seeing a counselor. Every great athlete needs coaches and trainers to become successful, and in many ways mental health support is no different. I am here to help you do a deeper dive into your struggles and unlock the answers you hold within you. The benefits of counseling can last a lifetime, so I encourage you to get the support you’re looking for to facilitate inner growth and healing.

  • I understand having a busy schedule and a lot on your plate. Seeking outside support requires a level of commitment. That’s why I provide both in-person and online therapy for men. What’s more, you don’t have to commit to counseling right away. You can try it out for a few sessions, see how you feel, and make a decision after that.