Depression Therapy

Does Depression Make Everything Feel Like A Chore?

Does Depression Make Everything Feel Like A Chore?

Does Depression Make Everything Feel Like A Chore?

Are you struggling with feelings of sadness and hopelessness? Does it seem like nothing excites you anymore and you’re just drifting through life with no sense of purpose? Do you feel heavy and weighed down, as if you’re going around with a thousand-pound weight?

When you’re dealing with depression, everything in life can feel like a chore. Maybe you have no motivation to go to work, spend time with friends and family, or take care of everyday responsibilities. You may forget to eat, miss appointments, and sleep in more than usual. No matter how much you try to act like everything is fine, depression is an ever-present burden.

Depression Makes It Hard To Achieve Balance In Your Life

Depression is often characterized by extremes. You might have insomnia or sleep the entire day away. You may lose or gain significant amounts of weight—food is either a comfort for you or something you neglect altogether. Perhaps you’re always keeping busy and socializing because you seek to distract yourself. Or maybe you withdraw and spend your days in isolation. You either try to escape your sadness or succumb to it completely, never achieving a happy medium. 

If you want to achieve a healthier balance in your life, I encourage you to pursue depression therapy with me. With my support, you and I can work to get control of your symptoms and facilitate long-lasting healing and growth.


Many People Feel Empty And Without Any Purpose In Life

Virtually everyone experiences depression at some point in life. The causes of depression vary from person to person, but for many, the condition can be a result of trauma and life stressors. Constantly being put down or marginalized can contribute to depression. Prejudices and societal pressures make many people feel like they have to hide their authentic selves from others, causing them to feel profoundly alone and misunderstood. Financial issues, relationship troubles, and grief and loss are also major causes of depression.

Depression Drains The Energy And Motivation You Need To Overcome It

Depression Drains The Energy And Motivation You Need To Overcome It

Sometimes, however, the reasons for clinical depression are not so obvious. They may be more existential or spiritual. For many people, the lack of a connection to a community or a higher power can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and despair. They may feel empty, listless, and without purpose.

Depression Drains The Energy And Motivation You Need To Overcome It

If you’ve struggled with depression, there are probably times in your life when people told you just to get out more, work harder, or spend more time with friends. But the problem with depression is that it drains all the energy and motivation needed to do these things. The condition is self-sabotaging. The very characteristics that lend themselves to recovery are quashed and hidden from view.

This is why it’s so important to seek help. You might know what to do to treat your depression, but figuring out how to implement meaningful changes into your life isn’t easy. After all, depression can be slippery and elusive, working under the surface of conscious awareness. To truly get to the bottom of your symptoms, sometimes you need the help of a professional.


Depression Therapy Can Help You Reduce Your Symptoms And Build On Your Strengths

Depression Treatment Can Help You Reduce Your Symptoms And Build On Your Strengths

Depression tells you that there’s no point in seeking help because everything is hopeless. As a result, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you start therapy. That’s why I like to focus on the little things you can do to slowly loosen depression’s grip on your life. What can you do tomorrow to lift your spirits? What is a coping skill or strength you have that can help you deal with an extra stressful week? These are questions that we can explore together.

Above all, a strong therapeutic alliance is the key to overcoming depression. Together, we will create a safe, warm and inviting atmosphere to elevate your self-esteem and enable growth and healing. Through trust-building, continual reassurance, and collaborating on goals, you have the opportunity to find ways to reduce your symptoms and find a path to recovery and wellness.

What To Expect In Sessions

In the beginning, the goal of therapy is to provide symptom management and relief. You will learn new skills and techniques to strengthen your overall health, improve your outlook on life, and increase your sense of motivation. Working with me can help you re-engage with your friends, family, environment and daily activities, giving you a stronger foundation in life.

As you begin to experience some sense of hope—maybe for the first time in a while—we will begin the deeper work of expanding your awareness and identifying the sources of your depression. By uncovering what is contributing to your depressive symptoms, you can recognize the ineffective patterns of behavior and coping mechanisms that no longer work for you. Understanding how depression shows up in your life makes it easier to do the practical work of reducing and managing your depression and building on your innate abilities and strengths.

Tailoring Your Therapy Plan

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to depression therapy, as the healing process is customized based on your needs and goals. That said, one of the main approaches I use is called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This approach can help you understand how unhealthy thoughts, feelings, and behaviors contribute to your depression, as well as new ways to overcome your symptoms.

I also draw from Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques. MI seeks to help you look beyond your lack of motivation and focus on actions that facilitate change. To empower you to take back control of your life, you and I will look at what you do well and use your strengths to counter your lack of motivation and energy.

I know that life can seem hopeless and overwhelming, but I am committed to supporting you on this difficult journey. Day by day, moment by moment, we will work on building your confidence and using your innate gifts and talents to help you find gratitude in life and create the future you want for yourself.

You May Have Some Concerns About Depression Therapy…

  • It’s all too easy to compare yourself to other people. It’s a natural human tendency. But the important thing to remember is that depression affects people regardless of how their life appears on the surface. Your life may be okay, but that doesn’t mean depression isn’t a problem. Besides, even if you think your challenges “aren’t that bad,” wouldn’t you rather get treatment than let depression continue to get you down?

  • I hear you—you’ve probably been holding a lot of hurt and despair inside for a long time. Depression counseling is a chance to acknowledge that pain and explore new ways to find relief. You may feel hopeless, but feelings are not always reflective of reality. It’s hard to see out of depression when you’re in the thick of it, and that’s why I’m here. I want to show you that you have the potential for a brighter future and that you are amazing just the way you are.

  • Being honest and asking for help is one of the most courageous things you can do. Going to therapy is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. It shows you are actively committed to improving your mental health and vulnerable enough to be upfront about your struggles. Besides, you probably wouldn’t think twice about seeing a doctor for a medical issue. Seeing a therapist for depression is really no different. Just as a physical wound needs care, so does an emotional one.