
What is EMDR Therapy and How Does It Help?

What is EMDR Therapy and How Does It Help?

As a trauma-informed therapist, I’m always looking for tools and techniques that can meaningfully improve the lives of my clients. We’re often driven by the traumatic memories that shaped our early lives and define us as we grow older—but as a quirk of how they’re stored, those memories are often difficult to discuss and explore. Eye Movement Desensitization & Processing (EMDR) Therapy is a science-backed approach to therapy that leverages our understanding of the brain in order to help clients reprocess and heal the impact of those memories.

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Harnessing Healing through EMDR: A Powerful Approach for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Recovery

Harnessing Healing through EMDR: A Powerful Approach for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Recovery

Alcohol and substance abuse can have a devastating impact on individuals and their loved ones. Overcoming addiction requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of recovery. One promising therapeutic modality that has gained recognition in recent years is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). In this blog post, we will explore how EMDR can be a transformative tool in the treatment of alcohol and substance abuse, helping individuals heal from past traumas and break free from the cycle of addiction.

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5 Signs Anxiety Is Holding You Back at Work
Trauma Therapy, Anxiety Treatment, Therapy for Men Project Management Trauma Therapy, Anxiety Treatment, Therapy for Men Project Management

5 Signs Anxiety Is Holding You Back at Work

Feeling on edge from the daily hustle and grind? You surely are not alone in this feeling. Anxiety is becoming a growing force in society today. And honestly, it only seems to get worse. It is human nature to worry. We worry about things from “Did I leave the coffee pot on?” to “What am I doing with my life?” It is normal to feel momentary anxiety with new situations or stressful points, but it can become problematic when it becomes consistent and disruptive to daily life. Especially where work is concerned. If you find yourself frequently overwhelmed in the workplace, here are ways to determine if anxiety is the root cause.

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How To Begin Healing From Covid-Related Trauma
Trauma Therapy Project Management Trauma Therapy Project Management

How To Begin Healing From Covid-Related Trauma

The toll of the pandemic years will not be effectively gauged by raw numbers like cases or even deaths. From economic devastation to the loss of much-needed social programs and beyond — the fallout is massive. One such area of concern is the collective mental health of, well… everyone.

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