Wayne Kossman

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5 Signs Anxiety Is Holding You Back at Work

5 Signs Anxiety Is Holding You Back at Work

Feeling on edge from the daily hustle and grind? You surely are not alone in this feeling. Anxiety is becoming a growing force in society today. And honestly, it only seems to get worse. It is human nature to worry. We worry about things from “Did I leave the coffee pot on?” to “What am I doing with my life?” It is normal to feel momentary anxiety with new situations or stressful points, but it can become problematic when it becomes consistent and disruptive to daily life. Especially where work is concerned.

If you find yourself frequently overwhelmed in the workplace, here are ways to determine if anxiety is the root cause.

Difficulty Concentrating

Anxiety can open the floodgates for negative thoughts and distracting emotions. The spiral begins to happen, usually about things that are beyond your control. As you focus on the uncontrollable, your focus shifts away from your job duties at hand.

Even worse, it takes away from your ability to be creative and produce new ideas. It impacts your ability to engage in many factors contributing to your overall productivity.


Procrastinating and stalling tasks are normal for the majority of people. Whether you thrive under pressure or you just get busy, putting things off at a later time happens.

When you start to miss deadlines, which interferes with your overall performance, this over-procrastination becomes a problem. Your brain uses avoidance as a mechanism to lessen anxiety. When you do this repeatedly, your brain learns that avoiding anxiety is the only way to reduce it. The downfall is that missed deadlines lead to potential consequences in the grand scheme.

You Become Irritable

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When anxiety hits, it’s hard to disguise its impact. You become off balance. Maybe impatient. Sometimes angry even. The irritability will show to your colleagues and superiors. 

While the fake-it-til-you-make-it mindset is often taught and praised, it can be quite exhausting putting on a happy face to get through your day. When work becomes distressing, you have to work overtime to control your responses and overall appearance.

Avoiding Networking

Does the workday consume all of your energy? Do you need multiple cups of coffee to get through the day? So by the time your day is over, you have nothing left to network, attend social outings, or even job hunt for something new.

Your workday anxiety takes up a lot of mental and physical energy. If you do find yourself at work functions, you begin to become the person in the corner doing the bare minimum or the one who has the countdown to leave. As time passes, you will be left with no room for anything but your basic tasks. Growing yourself or your career while dealing with anxiety will be almost impossible.

Second Guessing Your Work…Or Yourself

The big unknown can be a leading cause of anxiety, especially in the workplace. It is easy to be comfortable and to stay in that nice, warm area. If you have career aspirations or want to climb that ladder, none of that can happen in your comfort zone. You will end up stuck in a place you have outgrown or should have left ages ago.

Anxiety can cause you to stay in a holding pattern. Over time, this can cause you unhappiness and probably more anxiety. Fear of the unknown can take over your thoughts and make you believe you don’t deserve/match/qualify for something that actually fits your aspirations. 

If you feel like your anxiety is impacting you and your career growth, schedule a consultation to discuss how you can get out of your own way in achieving your goals. 

Getting Treatment for Your Anxiety

If you are facing challenges with anxiety, I want to assure you that there are numerous effective treatment options that can help you on your path to healing. By choosing to work with me, you are giving yourself the opportunity to embark on a journey toward inner peace and well-being. Don't hesitate to take the first steps today by reaching out to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. Together, we can explore the best way forward for your unique needs.